Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A Heart Made of Marshmallows :-)

Sometimes I wonder where I get it from...

First off, let me say that you are awesome. There are so many qualities about you that I appreciate because it is rare that I am lucky enough to encounter a man of your stature. With that being said, it has not been easy to let you go. I don't know if it's me, or your schedule, or another woman, or a combination of all three, but as I told you in my last email, something caused this situation to become one-sided. I know that most people on the outside (possibly yourself included) would look at the time I've spent trying to communicate with you as a desperate attempt to gain even a mere ounce of reassurance that everything is okay. Truth be told, for once in my life, I didn't want to give up, and I still don't, but in my heart of hearts, I believe that you have. I'm probably making a fool of myself by being so uninhibited, but I'm willing to take a chance because at this point, there's no need to be candid about my feelings for you. For the record, I wanted to be with you more than I can say. I cannot tell you how much it made my day to get simple text messages from you letting me know you missed me, you were thinking about me, or simply asking me what and how I was doing. You became so important, so quickly and I hadn't been that happy in a long time.

I honestly wish that things could have worked out differently, but I know that circumstances occur and sometimes you meet the right person at the wrong time. I don't know your situation right now, but I'm always willing to listen if at any time you feel the need to explain it to me, or you simply want to talk. Meeting someone like you has made me not only raise my standards, but it's made me want to be a better woman. You make me want to be smarter and more worldly, and I have never met a man who inspired me so much by simply being himself. You're amazing, and I feel so lucky to have met you and experienced (for the first time in a long time) what it was like to go to bed and wake up happy knowing that I had something to look forward to. So...thank you for that. I'm here if you ever need someone.

Take care...

1 comment:

~Lisi P. said...

Hang in there! One day at a time.