There is something so incredibly beautiful about this woman.
I don't know very many people personally who listen to her music, but I started out, like everyone else, listening to her because she was part of the huge pop craze that hit pre-teens and teenagers like The Plauge about 10 years ago. Britney Spears, N'SYNC, Backstreet Boys, 98 Degrees, I even remember some group that had a song out about Abercrombie & Fitch. Christina Aguilera was definitely not as popular as Britney was back then but let's compare the two nowadays and see where they are now that pop is no longer what's flying off the shelves at Best Buy and Target. Christina's second album titled "Stripped" has BY FAR been my favorite one to date. For the first couple of years I had the CD I listened to tracks 1-11 on repeat anytime I popped it in. Oneday I just decided to let the thing play all the way through, and after that I couldn't wait until she came out with another. The one thing I absolutely love about this woman's music is everything she sings about is what a lot of females seem to be afraid to say. Most of us hate to admit that after a break-up the real problem was that we were naive and blinded by what we wanted rather than what was really there, but still can't seem to let go. Or even the ones who are a little embarrassed to be themselves sexually. Afraid to be as liberal with their sexuality as a man is because of the double standards. And let's not forget about those of us who are so strong willed and stubborn that we have the hardest time admitting that sometimes we can't pick up the pieces and that *one guy* saves us from ourselves. And let us PUH-LEASE not forget how good the girl can saaaaaaaaang! I definitely feel she is nowhere near as recognized as the phenomenal singer/songwriter she is. However, I will go on to say that throughout the years she has been in the spotlight, it's been...interesting to see how certain events almost define the context of her albums. It's no mystery that when someone falls in love their whole lease on life is totally different, and when I say in love I don't mean the one that makes you swear you'll never love again, but the real one. The kind that makes you, well, sing! LoL. So, yeah, LADIES whether you're going through something or not, one way or another you will relate to this girl's lyrics because they are the truth and she sings it so beautifully. Download iTunes if you don't already have it and check out some of her music if you haven't heard her albums. Disappointment is not an option.
Christina is it!! She can S-A-N-G. No frontin' or nothing. the Stripped CD didn't get much hype because people didn't like how Xtina came out of the box, but the CD is good!!
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